Join us at one of our upcoming events.
March 29
Bob Chisholm Community Center
Seaside, OR
Please RSVP below if you can attend:

Necanicum Together
Are you a resident or landowner interested in conservation or habitat restoration on your property?
Join us at the Bob Chisholm Community Center in Seaside, OR on Saturday, March 29th from 3-5 pm to get to know your watershed council and your community conservation resources.
We will have invited speakers, information hubs, and audience Q and A with watershed experts and conservation resources.
Please RSVP here: necanicumwatershed.org/events
Board Meeting
Necanicum Watershed Council Board Meetings are open to the public. Please email directors@necanicumwatershed.org for Zoom link.
Christmas Trees for Coho
Want to do some good with your used Christmas tree? Meet us at our Seaside office on 39 North Holladay on Saturday January 4th and we’ll collect your Christmas tree for placement in a habitat project in the Necanicum River. Keep your tree out of the landfill and help support our watershed!
*Clean trees only. No synthetic decorations like tinsel or fake snow please.
*Donations welcome.

Bring us your cans and bottles and turn trash into critical funds for salmon habitat restoration and education in the Necanicum Basin!
10am-12pm PST
39 N. Holladay Dr.
Seaside, Oregon

NECANICUM TOGETHER | Get you know your watershed council
Join us on Saturday, September 28th, at 3:00pm PST at the Bob Chisholm Community Center in Seaside!
Why, you ask?
We are a 501(c)(3) organization that has been working with public and private landowners in the Necanicum Basin since the mid-1990's to improve riparian habitat. Yet, many of our community members are unaware of us, our ability to leverage public and private funding, and the role we can play in creating an ecologically and economically sustainable future for our ecosystems and people.
We'll have some fresh pizza, soft drinks and a short presentation to introduce who we are, followed by an opportunity to ask our staff members some questions and finally a "social hour" where landowners are able to enjoy some food and conversation with our board and staff.
We're looking forward to meeting you and brainstorming ways that we can restore the Necanicum, together.

Bring us your cans and bottles and turn trash into critical funds for salmon habitat restoration and education in the Necanicum Basin!
10am-12pm PST
39 N. Holladay Dr.
Seaside, Oregon

CANS FOR COHO | Hood to Coast Finish Line
The Hood to Coast relay is almost upon us as thousands of folks stream into town to celebrate their incredible journey across Western Oregon.
Each year we partner our Cans for Coho initiative with Hood to Coast to make sure that bottles and cans aren’t ending up in our waterways and raising some critical funds for our organization along the way.
But to do this we need you to volunteer with us!
If you’re interested in doing a 2-4 hour volunteer shift on August 24th, please send an email to info@necanicumwatershed.org.

Astoria Regatta 2024
We will be hanging with our buddies at the North Coast Watershed Association to introduce families and kids to awesome fish passage games and info at the 2024 Astoria Regatta event.

Cans for Coho Collection Day
Did you know that your cans and bottles can fund habitat restoration in the Necanicum Basin?
Anything with a $0.10 return symbol can be used to raise funds for our organization in partnership with the Oregon Bottle Drop program.
From 10am-12pm drop off your cans and bottles with our volunteers at our offices in downtown Seaside.
Fort George Benefit Night
Come have a burger and some beers, bid on awesome locally sourced raffle baskets and learn about watershed restoration on the north coast. We’ll be hanging out with our buddies from the North Coast Watersheds Association all day long!
Fort George will be donating 10% of all proceeds from July 30th as well as the funds raised from our raffle baskets.

NWC Board Meeting
Interested in becoming a Board Director? Want to learn about current and future projects the Watershed Council is leading?
Attend our next board meeting, on May 22nd, 2024.
To register as a guest attendee, fill out the registration link here:

Cans for Coho Collection Day
Did you know that your cans and bottles can fund habitat restoration in the Necanicum Basin?
Anything with a $0.10 return symbol can be used to raise funds for our organization in partnership with the Oregon Bottle Drop program.
From 10am-12pm drop off your cans and bottles with our volunteers at our offices in downtown Seaside.

Cans for Coho Collection Day
Did you know that your cans and bottles can fund habitat restoration in the Necanicum Basin?
Anything with a $0.10 return symbol can be used to raise funds for our organization in partnership with the Oregon Bottle Drop program.
From 10am-12pm drop off your cans and bottles with our volunteers at our offices in downtown Seaside.

McMenamins Friends and Family Night
Join us at the McMenamin’s Gearhart Hotel for our annual Friends and Family Night. McMenamin’s Sandtrap and Pot Bunker Pubs will donate 50% of proceeds from 5pm until close on Monday, May 20th, 2024.
We will have an informational table and a raffle with a McMenamin’s basket, a gardening basket and an NWC swag basket. So come early and come ready to eat, drink and celebrate the watershed with us!

Cans for Coho Collection Day
Did you know that your cans and bottles can fund habitat restoration in the Necanicum Basin?
Anything with a $0.10 return symbol can be used to raise funds for our organization in partnership with the Oregon Bottle Drop program.
From 10am-12pm drop off your cans and bottles with our volunteers at our offices in downtown Seaside.

Earth Day Oregon Seaside Geocaching Adventure
Join Us in Celebrating Earth Day with an ecologically focused geocaching adventure in Seaside
On April 20th and 21st, the Necanicum Watershed Council (NWC) is partnering with Earth Day Oregon to host the “Earth Day Oregon Seaside Adventure”, a fun, family-friendly walking and exploration event in Seaside. We invite everyone to join us in exploring the urban center of our watershed, Seaside, through an outdoor scavenger hunt to help us celebrate Earth Day in our watershed.
The scavenger event is free for community members and visitors to participate. Make sure to stop by the NWC table on Broadway next to the Carousel Mall to learn more about our organization and Earth Day Oregon and to enter our raffle for great locally sourced goodies!
To join the scavenger hunt, scan the QR code in the event image or go to this link!

Cans for Coho Collection Day
Did you know that your cans and bottles can fund habitat restoration in the Necanicum Basin?
Anything with a $0.10 return symbol can be used to raise funds for our organization in partnership with the Oregon Bottle Drop program.
From 10am-12pm drop off your cans and bottles with our volunteers at our offices in downtown Seaside.

Watershed Wonders | Sea Level Rise on the Oregon Coast
NWC Presents | Watershed Wonders
Join us on April 10th at 6:00pm (PST) as we welcome Carl Hendrickson to our Watershed Wonders Speaker Series to give his talk:
"Using Community Engagement Practices to Prepare for Sea Level Rise Impacts on the Oregon Coast"
Carl Hendrickson is a NOAA Coastal Management fellow with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. As part of the Oregon Coastal Management Program, Carl works with communities in Clatsop County to help support sea level rise adaptation planning. Before this fellowship, he received a Masters from San Francisco State University working on restoration projects of native oysters and eelgrass. In his free time, Carl enjoys working in the garden and spending time in the mountains and the ocean, often with his partner and dog.
Clatsop Community College South County Campus
Room 203
1455 N. Roosevelt Dr.
Seaside, Oregon
Note: The NWC works hard to provide options for individuals that cannot attend in person. This event will be recorded and uploaded to our website's Watershed Wonders page shortly after the presentation.

NWC Board Meeting
Interested in becoming a Board Director? Want to learn about current and future projects the Watershed Council is leading?
Attend our next board meeting, on March 27th, 2024.
To register as a guest attendee, fill out the registration link here:

Cans for Coho Collection Day
Did you know that your cans and bottles can fund habitat restoration in the Necanicum Basin?
Anything with a $0.10 return symbol can be used to raise funds for our organization in partnership with the Oregon Bottle Drop program.
From 10am-12pm drop off your cans and bottles with our volunteers at our offices in downtown Seaside.

NWC Board Meeting
Interested in becoming a Board Director? Want to learn about current and future projects the Watershed Council is leading?
Attend our next board meeting, on January 24th, 2024.
To register as a guest attendee, fill out the registration link here:

Watershed Wonders | Wild Bees of the Oregon Coast
Whether you notice it or not, the bees are buzzing on the north coast and Dr. Andony Melathopoulos, an Associate Professor at Oregon State University and leader of the Oregon Bee Project, is here to tell us all about the pollinators that call our region home.
Andony Melathopoulos is an Associate Professor in Pollinator Health Extension in the Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University, which was the first such position in the US. He chairs the statewide bee protection initiative, the Oregon Bee Project, is the Extension Educator for the Master Melittologist program and hosts a weekly podcast called PolliNation.
Join us for $4 beers donated courtesy of Fort George Brewery on January 22nd, 2024. and learn about the wonders of our watershed. To register for the event, click here!

Astoria Sunday Market
The Astoria Sunday Market is bigger and better than ever in 2023, and we’ll be hanging out on October 8th celebrating the season, providing watershed education to the public and most of all, with a super cool raffle as always!

Watershed Wednesday at the Seaside Farmer's Market
Come out to the Seaside Farmer’s Market and hang out with us!
We’ll have fun games, info and merchandise. Plus, learn about volunteer opportunities, ways to get involved with the watershed council and more!

Astoria Sunday Market
The Astoria Sunday Market is bigger and better than ever in 2023, and we’ll be hanging out on October 8th celebrating the season, providing watershed education to the public and most of all, with a super cool raffle as always!

Cans for Coho Collection Day
Did you know that your cans and bottles can fund habitat restoration in the Necanicum Basin?
Anything with a $0.10 return symbol can be used to raise funds for our organization in partnership with the Oregon Bottle Drop program.
From 11am-1pm drop off your cans and bottles with our volunteers at our offices in downtown Seaside.

Watershed Wednesday at the Seaside Farmer's Market
We’ll be sitting courtside with our good friends and conservation partners at the North Coast Land Conservancy. Come on down to the Seaside Farmer’s Market to learn about all things watershed conservation in the Necanicum Basin and explore ways to get involved with two of our region’s conservation specialists.

Watershed Wonders | Wildfire in the Necanicum Basin
Although many North Coast residents and visitors believe wildfire is not a risk, fire has always played a role here. By examining the ecological role of fire and fire history of the Coast Range, as well as current trends, we can gain a better understanding of what the future of fire may look like in our area. Indigenous people used fire as a land management tool for millennia, as seen in the presence of the open habitats of the Clatsop Plains and other prairies and headland grasslands of the Coast, now in decline. Stand-replacing crown fires, have a long and well documented history. These are a hazard for all our communities and residents. Our larger coastal population, along with changes to land use and our climate are increasing the risk and impacts of future fires in the region. With this background, we will discuss how individuals and communities can prepare for wildfire and lessen wildfire risks on the North Coast. Additionally, we will discuss potential priority landscapes, in terms of fire and ecological restoration.
Join us for $4 beers on July 12th, 2023 and learn about the wonders of our watershed.
Speaker: Aaron Groth
Aaron is the Coastal Oregon regional fire specialist in the OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Fire Program. Aaron works with communities as well as local, state, federal, private, and nonprofit partners at different scales across the Coast to provide education and foster fire resilient communities and landscapes. He has worked for city, state, and federal agencies, international cooperation, nonprofits, and served as an Environmental Peace Corps Volunteer in Peru. He hopes to serve as a Public Information Officer (PIO) Trainee during wildfires with Oregon Department of Forestry this summer.

Cans for Coho Collection Day
Did you know that your cans and bottles can fund habitat restoration in the Necanicum Basin?
Anything with a $0.10 return symbol can be used to raise funds for our organization in partnership with the Oregon Bottle Drop program.
From 11am-1pm drop off your cans and bottles with our volunteers at our offices in downtown Seaside.

Corgi Beach Day Can and Bottle Deposit Rendezvous
The Necanicum Watershed Council is proud to partner with Corgi Beach Takeover party in Seaside this year as the event’s can and bottle deposit team!
We’ll have a booth on the beach with information about our organization, projects and events, fun games for everyone to play and a system to sell our merchandise and accept direct donations.
We’ll need volunteers to walk the beach with our blue bags collecting cans and bottles as keep our beaches clean for years of Corgis to come!
Join us on June 24th from 10am-4pm at the beach just in front of the Seaside Turnaround.

Cans for Coho Collection Day
Did you know that your cans and bottles can fund habitat restoration in the Necanicum Basin?
Anything with a $0.10 return symbol can be used to raise funds for our organization in partnership with the Oregon Bottle Drop program.
From 11am-1pm drop off your cans and bottles with our volunteers at our offices in downtown Seaside.